Home composting offer back by popular demand

Friday 13 March 2009, 4:24PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



A subsidised home composting offer for Wanaka and Queenstown residents is back by popular demand.

“From Monday, the council is pleased to once again offer residents the Bokashi home composting system as a two-for-one deal,” said Queenstown Lakes District Council solid waste manager, Stefan Borowy.

“We have been so inundated with requests since the introductory Bokashi offer last year that we thought it would be a good time to bring it back. It’s a fantastic way to promote home composting and divert organic waste from landfill,” he said.

The Bokashi system breaks down household organics quickly and efficiently, producing a powerful natural fertiliser for home gardens.

“For just $45, residents can purchase a voucher from either the Wanaka or Queenstown council office. The voucher entitles them to two Bokashi bins and two packets of ‘compost zing’, which assists in the breakdown process, Mr Borowy said. “Two bins allows the continuation of the process for households.”

Mr Borowy said the council had been hearing lots of success stories from customers around the district.

“One local resident recently called to tell us that they had really improved the quality of their roses by diluting the Bokashi juice in water and spraying it directly on the plant to prevent disease.”

The council was so impressed that it was asking more local retail outlets to consider stocking the Bokashi range of products, especially the ‘compost zing’. “We really want to encourage the community to try Bokashi, they won’t be disappointed,” Mr Borowy said.

Meanwhile, options for the future of organic waste services would be consulted on via the Ten-year plan process in April.

More information on the Bokashi system could be found at or