Make everyday an Earth Day

Wednesday 25 March 2009, 11:10AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



1. Turn everything off at night (standby power is estimated to be 11 percent of all power use in New Zealand. You can save around $75 a year by turning off standby at night).
2. Reduce the use of your heated towel to no more than four hours a day. (This will also save you around $100 a year.)
3. Do not use your dryer. Invest in a clothes horse and find a space inside your home during winter, all towels should be dried this way.
4. Have a screen-free hour. Turn off the television, computer and cell phone.
5. Commit to being a plastic bag free home. (Only taking reusable bags or boxes from the supermarket and do not line your household bin with plastic, you don’t need it).
6. Commit to always giving consideration to pre-loved or second hand clothes and goods. Don’t forget your trash may be someone else’s treasure.
7. Only ever put a washing machine or dishwasher on with a full load.
8. Place a filled milk bottle or fizzy bottle in your cistern (if you are able to and reduce the flush!)
9. Buy a simple timer for the heater that would otherwise stay on 24 hours and have it turn on an hour before you get up and switch off when you leave the house. (This will save you money on your per bill and quickly pay for the cost of the timer.)
10. Turn off the lights when you leave a room and buy eco-bulbs from now on. (They use one-fifth of the power of a regular light bulb and last longer.)