The French Revolution and our local government crisis

Wednesday 11 July 2007, 12:00PM

By Mediacom



The 14th July marks the 218th anniversary of the French Revolution – an earthshaking event that many consider the real beginning of modern times. The debate still rages over the meaning of the Revolution. It represented some of the most destructive, blind, and pretentious forces that have in fact come to mark the modern world. Nonetheless the old order required reform and radical change. As does the workings of our Dunedin City Council today.

Simple slogans in support of democracy and the “right of the rate payer” do not take us very far. We have to ask “What form of democracy?” and “What kind of differential institutions are healthy and just?”

We all have an ideal and the citizens of Dunedin can only vote against elected members who for the last three years have imposed strong, unfair laws on the common people (rates increase, neglect of amenities, lack of vision, grandiose projects) in the October elections.

It is time for a new Mayor, a new Council, to lead new laws, new standards and remove the stable of parasites and plunderers too abominably filthy to be cleansed by anything short of a complete and pacifist revolution.

Let’s celebrate the rebellious spirit of the French Revolution (without the angry mob, that is) and celebrate Dunedin’s future!