Sky Tower has narrow escape in Weather Bomb

Wednesday 11 July 2007, 4:07PM

By Infonews Editor


Close call
Close call Credit: Barry from Invercargill


The Auckland Sky Tower narrowly missed getting toppled last night when a strkie force 10 weather bomb, fired up by MetService to gain more net ratings, hit the top half of the North Island.

The photo attached to this story was spplied courtsey of our nations great TV newsrooms, who in turn recieved the photo from an anonymus and untraceable source.

According to Brock Landers, CEO of a company, TV stations world wide will be leading their news with the now world famous photo.

Infonews confirmed just a couple of seconds ago the picture is courtsey of Barry from Invercargill.

His telescopic lens finally came in handy.

From the Infonews team, Thanks Barry and I hope you can grab another Qantas media award for this stunning shot.