Berthelsen bags another top-20 for NZ

Thursday 12 July 2007, 7:25PM

By Simon Addison


Tineke Berthelsen
Tineke Berthelsen Credit: Erik Borg
Lizzie Ingham
Lizzie Ingham Credit: Erik Borg
Tineke Berthelsen (Hamilton) has joined the top-20 party here at JWOC.

Following her very impressive performance in the heats yesterday, she went out strong and made a few small errors which cost her the potential of a top-10 result.

Berthelsen was New Zealands 5th top-20 result of the JWOC week, following three top-20 results in the sprint by Thomas Reynolds, Greta Knarston and Lizzie Ingham as well as Knarstons 16th position in the long distance.

Lizzie Ingham also had a solid performance, coming in in 32nd place in the A-final. Ingham lost time early on in the course and was always battling to get it back.

Kate Morrison (Hawkes Bay) continued her strong performances after coming into the team to replace her sister Amber, who pulled out due to stress fractures. Morrison ended up in 50th position, a great performance.

Thomas Reynolds got a bit ahead of himself in the mens A-final, skipping a control out on his course. Reynolds commented that he had been working two controls ahead on his control descriptions, and that he simply just skipped a control. Skipping controls seems to have been a really big issue her at JWOC for the NZ team, with one member of the team doing it in every race so far. Reynolds joins Riki Cambridge (Sprint), Simon Jager (Long) and Greta Knarston (Middle Qualifiers). Reynolds unfortunately does not post a result because of this mis-punch.

Greta Knarston once again had a very strong performance, this time in the B-final. However due to her mis-punching yesterday she was not offically taking part. She did post the fastest time of the day on that course, and would have won by over one minute from compatriot Kate Rea. Rea went on to win the course, with Nicola Peat having a storming run into second place. These performances just proved that all three were up to the level of the A-final, and were unlucky not to qualify yesterday.

Sam McNally was the fastest in the B-final out of the Kiwis, just holding off Riki Cambridge for honours. Due to Reynolds mis-punch he actually posts the top kiwi result in the men.