Drink Drive Operation in Counties Manukau

Sunday 19 April 2009, 8:29AM

By New Zealand Police



Counties Manukau Road Policing Manager Inspector Heather Wells said it is disappointing drivers are still not worrying about drinking and driving. 12 checkpoints were set up in Manukau and Papakura on Friday and Saturday nights. 17,122 vehicles were stopped over two nights and 247 drivers will be going to court to answer charges of excess breath alcohol. 47 drivers elected to have a blood sample taken. Inspector Wells says it is unacceptable to have this number of drink drivers on our roads.
It's not just an alcohol breath test you have to pass on the side of the road these days. You may also have to pass Court Bailiffs checking vehicle registrations for outstanding fines. Court Bailiffs have been working alongside Police in the Counties Manukau area over the weekend seizing vehicles that are registered to people who have outstanding fines and reparation owing to victims. In total Court Bailiffs seized 66 vehicles and collected $12,641.00 cash.
25 arrests were made for a variety of offences such as stolen vehicles, failing to stop, assaults, wanted on warrant and Driving whilst Disqualified. 86 drivers had their licences suspended and 37 vehicles were impounded.
One driver was apprehended some 15 minutes after being processed when his sober driver gave him the keys back so he could drive again despite the fact he had been forbidden. He was again processed and his car impounded. A youth was 5 times over the legal limit of 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath. He has two previous convictions for drink driving as well as other serious driving charges.
A 14 year old male was apprehended whilst driving his intoxicated Mother and friend home. The mother believed it was the safest option.
The results from this weekend still show there are a percentage of drivers on our roads who show a total disregard for the safety of other road users. Inspector Wells says that it is time people thought about the consequences of Drinking and driving. Too many innocent people are being killed or injured on our roads through drivers who break the laws.
Police are committed to continue with this hard line approach to remove these high risk offenders to ensure safety for other road users. Inspector Wells says this is a community problem which needs a major attitudinal change.