Statement from family of Leonard Holmwood

Monday 11 May 2009, 7:08AM

By New Zealand Police



The family of Leonard Holmwood say they are providing all the support and care they can for him.

Mr Holmwood, 44, was shot at the start of the Napier siege incident on Thursday morning.

His condition is still listed as critical.

A family spokesperson, who does not wish to be named, said that, contrary to some media reports, Mr Holmwood has family members in Hawkes Bay who have been with him at his bedside in hospital since he was injured.

"Lenny an extremely private person - we ask media to respect his privacy and not attempt to approach him or the family for comment."

"We want to concentrate on helping him get better and we thank the families of the injured officers for the support they have given us"

"We would also like to thank Police and the staff of Hawkes Bay Regional Hospital for all the care he is getting"