Post Mortem results show Napier gunman dies from single apparently self inflicted shot

Wednesday 13 May 2009, 11:33AM

By New Zealand Police



Gunman Jan Molenaar died from a single gunshot wound to the head, police say.

"The coroner has found the cause of death determined by the pathologist to be as a single gunshot wound to the head that appeared to be self inflicted," Detective Superintendent Rod Drew said today.

"No other bullet wound or injury caused by Police, any other agency or person was found."

Mr Drew said as far as the investigation process was concerned the area canvas had all but finished and had revealed some disturbing facts.

"Some houses sustained damage as far away as 400 metres from the gunman's home which indicates just how dangerous a rampage it was and the danger posed to the general public.

"The overall picture of what has occurred is becoming clearer and we have evidence of one murder and evidence to support 21 attempted murders of Police, emergency service workers, rescuers and members of the public."

Mr Drew said Police believed it was extremely fortunate no-one else was killed.

While the post-mortem revealed none of the Police shots fired during the incident had struck the gunman, those staff involved had still played a vital role.

"Prior to those shots Molenaar was firing aimed shots at people trying to rescue Senior Constable Miller but after shots were fired by our staff the offender retreated inside the house and from there on in was only able to fire un-aimed shots at people he could not see.

'While this still posed a serious risk it was a lot less dangerous than him still being in a position to continue taking aimed shots at people."

Mr Drew said he was immensely proud of the effort being put in by the investigation team during what was a difficult time.

"The investigation has been very difficult, many of us knew Len and some knew him very well so it's been very hard. So I'm very proud of the way they've shown real grit and got on with the job.

"Today the investigation team will join with Len's family and his wider Police family and the community to farewell their colleague and friend."

And those present will be bolstered by the presence of one of their other fallen comrades, Senior Constable Grant Diver who's condition has improved sufficiently enough for him to temporarily leave Hawke's Bay Hospital.

While Mr Diver's condition has improved fellow officer Bruce Miller remains on a ventilator in Hawkes Bay's Intensive Care Unit in a stable but improving condition.

The civilian shot while attempting to assist the shot officers, Leonard Holwood is also said to be in a stable and improving condition.