Library offers more!

Thursday 21 May 2009, 10:03AM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Tairua Community Library to open longer and offer even more this winter.

Since its opening just under a year ago, the Tairua Community Library has continued to expand its service to the community. Now, the Library's opening hours are also being extended.

Community Librarian, Emma Darragh-Heath has brought innovation, passion and courage to the library with exciting community programmes including Mums 'n' Bubs coffee mornings, children's holiday programmes, exhibits by local artists and lunchtime workshops on a variety of subjects including sushi making, DIY websites and local history. Upcoming events include a photographic tour and talk of Paris this Friday and a not-to-be-missed free New Zealand Music Month community event next Tuesday evening!

But there's even more on offer this winter. With 81 per cent of the local residents now enrolled as members, the enormously successful Tairua Community Library is making its opening hours the same as the other two district libraries.

From Wednesday 1 July, Tairua Library will join Thames and Mercury Bay libraries in opening from 9am on weekdays and Saturday (except for Wednesday when it will open at 9:30). The Library will also close at 5pm on weekdays and at 12pm on Saturday.

Add to this the advantages of the new one district library card. With one card you can rule them all, or at least, loan books, DVDs, talking books and magazines from them all - and you don't even need a new card. Your current Thames, Mercury Bay or Tairua cards will work at all three.

Finally, the icing on the cake is literally the icing on the cake. The Tairua Community Library will be celebrating its first anniversary on June 11 with another special event - and a cake!

One card for all three libraries; extended opening hours; more community events and icing on a cake! It's going to be a great winter