Nominations sought for top citizens

Thursday 21 May 2009, 10:06AM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Council is on the hunt for the district’s top citizens.

Nominations are about to open for the 2009 Community Service and Youth Awards.

Only four people will be chosen - two for the Community Service Awards and two for the Youth Community Awards.

Previous Community Service Awards winners have been nominated for their outstanding work in animal welfare, St Johns, the SPCA, or for substantial efforts on behalf of their community at considerable personal expense or effort. To be eligible for the newer Youth Community Award, the exceptional recipients must be between 13 and 20 years old and live in the district. The services for which all nominees are recognised should occur within the district or be of a benefit to the district.

"As a nation we often forget to thank people for the little things they do that go un-noticed,” says Mayor Philippa Barriball. “But all the little things add up to a community with a heart, and our unsung heroes are the building blocks of our vibrant communities. The Community Service and Youth Community Awards are our way of saying thank you to some of these special people and allowing their inspirational stories to motivate others."

Nominations for the awards must be made by at least two nominees and are considered by a special committee of Council. The awards will be presented on Wednesday evening, 30 September 2009.

Nominations open on 29 May and close on 10 July and nomination forms are available from Council offices, the TCDC website or by contacting Isobel Maddox on 07 868 0200.