Grave concerns for missing hikers in Far North

Sunday 12 July 2009, 11:22AM

By New Zealand Police



A 40 year old man and his two children aged 13 years and 6 years are missing after going out on a day hike in the Omahuta Forest on Friday morning. The forest is part of the Mangamuka Ranges south of Kaitaia.

Police were alerted early Saturday evening that the party was overdue.

Since then their vehicle has been located on Blackbridge Road, in the Omahuta Forest.

Police hold grave concerns for their safety.

Search and Rescue members from the wider Northland SAR Squad have started a full scale search at first light this morning. 30 members in 5 teams have been taken into the search area by an army Unimog that came up from Whangarei to assist in the search.

There is flooding in the area, the weather is still stormy but less so than overnight.

A SAR base has been set up at a local maraea, and police iwi liaison officers and Victim Support staff are present to assist.