Pigeon Island theft disgusts

Monday 20 July 2009, 3:58PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council


The Queenstown Lakes District Council is investigating the theft of rata from Pigeon Island in Lake Wakatipu
The Queenstown Lakes District Council is investigating the theft of rata from Pigeon Island in Lake Wakatipu Credit: Queenstown Lakes District Council


The Queenstown Lakes District Council is investigating the theft of rata from Pigeon Island in Lake Wakatipu.

“We first received notice from Rippled Earth Kayaks, which noticed the freshly chain sawed rata on the island, during a trip,” QLDC parks manager Gordon Bailey said.

Several large limbs had been removed from the rock faces on the island.

“These are big sections of timber that would have taken some transporting by boat,” Mr Bailey said.
The Council was keen to hear from anyone with information on the theft of the rata.

“Pigeon Island is one of the few places where you can still find pockets of rata. That’s why it is a protected sanctuary for flora and fauna, “Mr Bailey said.
He was disgusted that anyone would destroy healthy trees and make off with the wood.

“It’s a real insult to the community and in particular the hundreds of people that have volunteered countless hours to plant trees on the island,” Mr Bailey said.
The taking of anything from the island was illegal and subject to court action.

A close watch would now be kept on the area to ensure no further damage was inflicted on the island.