Time is running out for the Gibbston River Trail can you help?

Friday 24 July 2009, 3:01PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The tiny Gibbston Community Association has raised an incredible $1.3million for construction of a stunning 8km trail, following the bank of the Kawarau River, however the project has hit a small snarl. Unfortunately several of the association’s grants for the project expire soon, including one for $50,000 that was already extended for six-months. Grant restrictions prevent the group from spending the funds until they raise 100% of the money necessary to complete the entire trail.

Making the goalpost even closer, the association has now been granted building and land use consent, however track construction won’t happen unless the $100,932 funding shortfall can be found by the end of September.

Association chairwoman Susan Stevens says the support from the council and various trusts and the many volunteers had been phenomenal but one more push was needed.

To help complete the trail, businesses or individuals that might like to sponsor a bench or bridge along the trail are invited to contact Susan at 441 8919 or for further information. Anyone who would like to support the fundraising effort should contact Susan without delay.

If successful in raising the shortfall, the group would be on track to open 6kms of the walking and mountain biking trail by December in time for summer. If not, the group would have to begin returning the grant funds as they begin to expire.

The project is already receiving accolades, with the group recently receiving a national recognition for its efforts to protect and promote the archaeological sites along the trail, by the New Zealand Archaeological Association.