Association Supports Officers Involved in Police Shooting

Monday 27 July 2009, 8:48PM

By New Zealand Police Association




The Police Association is fully supporting the officers involved in this afternoon’s shooting in Auckland, Police Association Vice-President Chris Cahill said today.


“No police officer wants to find themselves in a situation where they are forced to shoot somebody. But the unfortunate reality is, with the violence police face on a daily basis, it is a possibility every police officer faces every working day,” Mr Cahill said.

“As we all know only too well from recent tragedies, dangerous and volatile situations can suddenly escalate from very routine policing matters. We are just thankful, for all concerned, that no one has been killed in this particular incident.”

Mr Cahill also urged restraint and patience from media and commentators.

“This incident will be subject to a number of investigations and inquiries. It will take time to fully establish the facts and background around the case. Until that happens, we cannot second-guess the actions of the officers who simply turned up to work, and found themselves having to use potentially lethal force,” said Mr Cahil.