Man dies after being hit by car

Wednesday 29 July 2009, 10:45AM

By New Zealand Police



A man has died after being hit by a car two weeks ago in South Taranaki.

The incident happened around 5.50pm on Wednesday, 15 July. Enquiries suggest that 20-year-old Jesse Young from Auroa and another 29-year-old man had been having an argument as they drove a vehicle along SH3. At Ngaere they pulled over, both got out of the car, and there is some suggestion that the argument spilled into the road.

It was dark at the time and a motorist travelling south saw the men at the last minute and swerved to avoid them but struck Jesse.

He was taken to Taranaki Base Hospital and later transferred to Wellington with critical head injuries and other internal injuries and fractures. He died yesterday (Tuesday, 28 July).

No charges will be laid against the driver of the car who struck Jesse.