United North Piha Lifeguard wins National honours

Wednesday 29 July 2009, 1:07PM

By Surf Life Saving New Zealand



Rob Pidgeon, a 22-year-old United North Piha Surf Lifeguard, has won the prestigious ‘New Zealand Lottery Grants Board Lifeguard of the Year’ award for his efforts over the past summer season.

As a Patrol Captain and Director of Lifesaving for United North Piha Lifeguard Service, Rob Pidgeon is at the forefront of Surf Life Saving. During his 114 hours of patrolling last summer, Rob could often be found taking members through their paces in surf swims and rock work at one of New Zealand’s most beautiful, but dangerous West Coast beaches. As a volunteer, those 114 hours equate to giving up his time to patrol the beach nearly every weekend throughout summer.

His patrol skills are second to none and Rob’s experience and knowledge were utilised to the highest level in January this year, when he coordinated the successful rescue and resuscitation of a local West Auckland man. The man was caught in a rip and pulled from the water by lifeguards with no pulse. Rob and his patrol team executed ‘textbook CPR’ as Rob modestly puts it – and successfully resuscitated the patient.

Rob also coordinated the rescue of a rock fisherman caught on rocks at high tide in testing conditions at North Piha, most likely preventing the drowning of yet another fisherman on Auckland’s West Coast.

“Every summer Surf Lifeguards complete between 1,300 and 1,800 rescues. Every one of those rescues represents a person who has been saved from potential drowning. Each rescue has its own unique story – from the members of the public who get into difficulty through to the lifeguards involved in the rescue. Surf Life Saving is extremely fortunate to have people of Rob’s calibre involved in our organisation – and it is testament to Rob’s absolute dedication to Surf Life Saving that he has won the NZLGB Lifeguard of the Year,” said Geoff Barry, SLSNZ CEO.

Not only a high achiever on the patrol front, Rob carried his quest for excellence through to the 2009 Trillian Trust District Patrol Championships in Omaha, where his expertise and leadership led the United North Piha Surf Life Saving team to victory.

His Club has been awarded the Northern Region Club of Year three times in the past 10 years and Rob’s commitment and dedication has no doubt contributed to its success.

“Rob is a shining example of a member who consistently provides outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty and is the deserving winner of the Surf Life Saving New Zealand’s NZLGB Lifeguard of the Year 2009.” said Geoff Barry.

Rob Pidgeon received his award last night at a function hosted by Hon Dr Lockwood Smith, Speaker of the House of Representatives, at Parliament.