Fire Extinguisher Fraudsters Operating in Hastings

Wednesday 2 September 2009, 3:44PM

By Hastings District Council



At least eight Heretaunga Street businesses have been approached today by men saying they will be closed down by Hastings District Council if they don’t upgrade their fire extinguishers.

Hastings District Council is in no way associated with these apparent fraudsters and has no jurisdiction over the requirements for fire extinguishers.

Three shop keepers have reported paying the men $315 cash for a new fire extinguisher, which would normally cost just over $100, and handing over their old fire extinguisher.

Media reports in the last two weeks show the operation has hit Northland, Auckland and Waikato and now it appears the scammers are here.

It is possible the scammers are refurbishing the old extinguishers and passing them off to the next target as new.

Hastings District Council chief executive, Ross McLeod says business owners should be aware of these confidence fraudsters and anyone approached in this manner should ring Hastings Police immediately.

“If you are approached by anyone professing to represent Council you should ask for identification or contact the Council on ph. 871 5000 for verification of their identity,” he says.

The men, one calling himself James, are armed with invoices from City & Suburban Fire – Fire Protection Specialist, registered in Papatoetoe, and offer a six year warrantee.