Fantastic Finale for XTERRA Trail Running Fans

Tuesday 27 October 2009, 10:30AM

By Good Sport PR



Fast times were recorded, fantastic weather shone all day and famous New Zealand families were among the 300 happy finishers at the XTERRA Trail Challenge today.

The event was a real family affair; both winners are recent parents, one of New Zealand’s most accomplished tennis players, Brett Steven completed the event with his children and wife in toe and the daughter of the late Sir Edmund Hillary, Sarah, crossed the line in fine form as well.

The XTERRA Trail Challenge is the final event of a busy XTERRA calendar which includes the XTERRA Festival held in Rotorua in April and the winter XTERRA Trail Running Series staged in Auckland and Wellington.

First across the line today was Rees Buck (Wellington), who became a father for the first time just 5 months ago, he was challenged all the way to the finish line by twin brothers Iain and Kyle MacDonald (Tauranga) – just over a minute separated the top three finishers.

“The MacDonald boys and Steve O’Callaghan took off at the start – I didn’t know the course very well so I sat in till I thought we had made it to the top of the major climbs then I opened up a bit and picked up the pace over the last couple of kilometers” Buck explained after the race.

As well as being a sub-30minute 10km runner, Buck’s history is mainly in Cross Country running, having represented New Zealand at the World Championship’s and now has his sights on the selection for the 2010 World Cross Country team travelling to Poland in March.

“Selection is going to be tight – but I am really enjoying my running and am feeling really good.”
Jessica Ruthe (Tauranga) has only been back running for 2 months since giving birth just 6 months ago. She took the title today over last years defending champion, Ady Ngawati (Whangarei).

“It took me a long time to recover after have the baby” explained Ruthe. “I started running again just to get some normality back into my life – it was a great feeling and I am enjoying doing some fun events like this with no expectations on me to perform.”

Ruthe will be running next weekends Auckland Marathon which she is planning to run as a training run with her husband, Ben.

Ngawati will not be taking part in the Auckland Marathon, instead using the Kerikeri Half Marathon as build up for the XTERRA World Trail Running Championships and the Honolulu Marathon, both in December this year.

“I am looking forward to racing in Hawaii, unfortunately I didn’t feel quite as strong out there today as last year – but I’ve got a few weeks before the big races to come right.”

For former tennis professional Brett Steven, his wife Heather and their two children it was a great reason to have a weekend out of Auckland and also get the kids into some running.

“It has been great – we have teamed up with another family and are having an awesome long weekend so far. The kids are into the normal sports that young Kiwis are – soccer, golf, nothing too serious but it is great for them to get into something like this – they had a blast! Steven explained.

“I haven’t been doing too much running at all – I did the 5 Volcanoes run earlier this year, apart from that I have done very little – I loved it out there today though, just beautiful trails and such a great day to be out there.”

Sarah Hillary is a regular participant in off-road events, enjoying the sense of adventure that it brings, she completed the long course event in a very respectable 2hours 17minutes and got third in her age category.

It is the second year that the annual XTERRA Trail Challenge has taken place and includes 5km, 10km and 21km walk and run options. It is run over one day and attracted competitors from all over the North Island and of all abilities.

While most were there to just complete their chosen challenge, many attended to qualify in their age-group for the World Trail Challenge in Honolulu, Hawaii this year. To do this, participants had to finish in the top 5 in their age-group or the professional division.


Long Course - Male;

Rees Buck Wellington 1:22:02

Iain MacDonald Tauranga 1:22:44

Kyle MacDonald Tauranga 1:23:16

Steven O’Callaghan Tauranga 1:25:04

Tom Stewart Auckland 1:25:04

Long Course - Female;

Jessica Ruthe Tauranga 1:32:40

Ady Ngawati Whangarei 1:37:36

Emily Rawles Inglewood 1:47:22

Samantha Blanch Pukekohe 1:49:14

Louise Mark Auckland 1:49:45