Gowan reprieve good news for Conservation Week

Thursday 9 August 2007, 5:10PM

By Green Party



The Greens are thrilled the Environment Court has upheld the Buller River Water Conservation Order which was threatened by a power project planned for the Gowan River, one of our most significant waterways and the mighty Buller River’s major tributary.

The application to vary the Water Conservation Order so that a hydro-electric power project could be built on this river has been successfully staved off by Fish and Game, Forest and Bird, the Department of Conservation, the Green Party and many others.

The Gowan is protected under the 2001 order, which recognises the value of the eel and trout fishery, blue duck habitat, kayaking, rafting & watersport opportunities, as well as the breathtaking scenic qualities of the Buller and its tributaries. Water Conservation Orders recognise outstanding characteristics and ensure any activity that threatens those characteristics can be strictly regulated and scrutinised.

“Water conservation orders are exactly that - designed to protect the water resource. Just as we would not want wind turbines in national parks, big hydro projects on our treasured wild rivers are inappropriate and should not proceed,” Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.

“While hydro is an important renewable electricity option, we must not sacrifice significant water bodies to sate our growing demand for power. Rather, these water bodies should be protected for the huge variety of recreation, cultural and other ecosystem services that they provide. Water conservation orders are designed to protect those diverse values and must not be undermined.

“This decision is a great success for those who have strived to protect the river. The community owes much to the tenacity of groups and individuals who go to great lengths and costs for conservation of our natural resources. It’s also great to see DOC’s advocacy on behalf of the river and the water conservation order.

“This news comes during Conservation Week, which bears the theme “Another World - Just down the road.” We must celebrate the ongoing protection of the Gowan River, which will now remain ‘just down the road’ for all to enjoy it’s fishing, kayaking, rafting, and intrinsic ecological values,” Mrs Turei says.