Enjoy the Cricket Within the Bounds of the Law, Police Say

Friday 5 February 2010, 11:22AM

By New Zealand Police



Police are keen for cricket fans attending Monday's one-day international cricket match between New Zealand and Bangladesh to enjoy the game.

However, the usual rules will apply says, North Dunedin Senior Sgt Gavin Briggs.

"This is the first one-day international at the University Oval so we're keen, along with other city agencies, for Dunedin to showcase it's newest international cricket ground and local fans in a positive light."

"No alcohol will be allowed into the grounds and police will be assisting security staff with bag searches upon entry to the grounds. As usual, police will have a low-level presence at the match. We'll also be actively policing drink-driving behaviour following the match, so we urge people to think about the amount of alcohol they are consuming and make plans to get home safely," he said.

Snr Sgt Briggs also suggested that people would be sensible to use the car parking available on Logan Park. The entry to this is from Union St and will be clearly marked. A gold coin donation will provide patrons with safe and convenient parking and avoid unnecessary congestion and delays.

"We want people to have a great day out and enjoy themselves in a safe environment within the bounds of the law," he said.