Views sought on management of indigenous biodiversity

Wednesday 17 February 2010, 3:27PM

By Whakatane District Council



Whakatane District Council is seeking the views of landowners about the management of indigenous biodiversity in the District. The feedback will help the Council develop policies and methods to form parts of the District Plan.

The Council would like to speak to people caring for indigenous biodiversity, particularly landowners who have identified natural areas on their property. The Council will be contacting landowners this month (February) and will also be working closely with Environment Bay of Plenty and other relevant organisations.

Indigenous Biodiversity includes native plants and animals and the places they live, such as wetlands, native forest and bush. The Whakatane District has many of these areas, some playing host to endangered species such as the kiwi and kokako. Many landowners already manage and protect areas through covenants, fencing and pest control. Some community projects have been created to preserve natural areas, such as the Manawahe Ecological Corridor and the Whakatane Kiwi Trust.

Building from this, the Council wants to find out what more could be achieved to maintain indigenous biodiversity, including through the District Plan.

There will be a number of opportunities for input into the project. For more information please contact Penny Doorman, Senior Policy Planner at the Whakatane District Council on 07 306 0500.