Commerce Commission Recommendations Out... And It's Not Good News.

Monday 22 February 2010, 6:57PM

By Benedict James Wee


Two out of the three commissioners of the CC have changed their postions to seek government regulation on Mobile Termination Rates (MTRs), which would've given us cheaper call/text prices that match the rest of the world's.

Dr Ross Patterson and Gowan Pickering have now backtracked on their initial support of government intervention of the two major telcos; Telecom and Vodafone, in order to bring MTRs to a sensible, cost-based level. Instead, they've decided to go with the excruciatingly slow four-year reduction in MTRs which the two telcos have suggested.

The only commissioner left that has not budged from her postion is Anita Mazzoleni, who still believes that the telcos shouldn't decide how and when to lower the cost of MTRs.

It's now up to the Communications and Information Technology Minister -Steven Joyce- to make the final decision and two negative recommendations versus the one good one isn't looking very good right now. If you believe that the government should step in and lower the call/text rates then email Mr Joyce at and ask him to accept Ms Mazzoleni's view. Additionally, you can contact your local MP to ask for their support. To get help contacting your MP follow the link here.

To learn more about the Drop The Rate, Mate! campaign follow the link here.