Family Violence – It's not OK in Manukau

Wednesday 24 March 2010, 12:48PM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau City Council is working with the Ministry of Social Development and the Families Commission to give their Family Violence – It’s not OK campaign a Manukau focus.

The campaign is a long-term programme aimed at changing attitudes and behaviour to family violence.

Manukau residents will see billboards, posters, banners and newspaper advertisements featuring local families and community groups who have agreed to put a Manukau face to the campaign.

Manukau Mayor Len Brown will launch the campaign prior to the Working Together to Reduce Family Violence in Manukau Hui on Tuesday, 30 March. He is a strong supporter of the localised campaign which follows similar campaigns in Rotorua, Waitakere and Hamilton.

“I am proud of our communities here in Manukau and proud of the approach that is being taken with regards to violence. We need to take a stand on this issue, not only for our families but for our community. There is no room for family violence in our homes. The message is simple. It’s not OK,” says Mr Brown.

“Thanks to the Ropati family from Howick, the Beale family from Manurewa, the Asian Council on Reducing Crime and the Otara Youth Collective who have generously offered to support the campaign.”

Media are welcome to attend the launch of the campaign.

What: Launch of Family Violence – It’s not OK campaign

When: Tuesday, 30 March, 2010
Launch of Campaign: 10am to 11am
Hui: 11am to 1pm

Venue: Greyhound Lounge
Manukau Sportsbowl
Te Irirangi Drive

For more information about the It's not OK campaign visit


Notes to editor:

Ropati Family: Iva Ropati is the recently appointed principal of Howick College. The former principal of One Tree Hill College is a 2009 Peter Blake Emerging Leader Awardee. He is joined in the campaign by his wife and two daughters.

Beale Family: The Reverend Mark Beale, Vicar of St Elizabeth’s Church in Clendon, is also chairman of the Manukau Beautification Trust which works alongside Manukau City Council to provide a number of community based programmes to reduce graffiti. He also the founder of Manurewa’s popular Christmas in the Park event. He is joined in the campaign by his wife, two daughters, son-in-law, granddaughter and grandson.

Asian Council on Reducing Crime: The council works alongside the New Zealand Police and the Manukau City Council’s Safe Communities team. They run programmes and develop crime reduction and safety awareness literature especially for the Asian community.

Otara Youth Collective: This inspirational group of young people provides a forum where Otara’s young people can talk about what’s good and what’s not so good about living in Otara. These ideas are then shared with community providers and Manukau City Council.