McKay will help build links with business

Thursday 25 March 2010, 4:43PM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau Mayor Len Brown says the appointment of Doug McKay as interim chief executive of the Auckland Council should help the new council to build links with the business community.

“Doug McKay has extensive business experience. A major focus for the new mayor and council will be improving Auckland’s economic performance. He will be a good fit in terms of helping build a close relationship with the business community.

“Mr McKay’s experience in managing restructurings will also be useful. It is crucial we get the new council structure running effectively as quickly as possible.

“Working with a public agency will be different for him. He will have to adapt to those challenges, working closely with the new mayor and council. I welcome his appointment and look forward to working with him, should I be elected mayor, to bring all of Auckland together – community groups, the different regions, and the business sector.”