Martha Mine - Eastern Layback

Wednesday 31 March 2010, 4:39PM

By Hauraki District Council



Staff reported to the Council meeting today that the proposed Eastern Layback in the Martha Pit was permitted as part of the current Land Use consent and Mining Licence. The proposed works were entirely contained in the permitted area.

This advice followed a full review of the project description and technical papers submitted to the Council for review prior to work commencing.

Work on the Southern Stability Cutback was due to finish in mid 2010 stated the Mayor of Hauraki and this project will extend work in the pit until 2014. The project is not a large one he advised but the time required for it was a result of the small working area.

While the purpose of the project was to recover ore at the eastern of the pit the Mayor noted that the excavation work needed to reach the ore body will result in the addressing of stability issues in the current east wall.

No additional dewatering is required to undertake the work as the pit will not be deepened and all current limits of the resource consent will continue to apply