City to decide fate of Brooklyn turbine

Saturday 17 April 2010, 10:14AM

By Meridian Energy Ltd



It’s a case of ‘should I stay or should I go?’ for the Brooklyn turbine and owner operator Meridian Energy is asking Wellington to help them decide.

The Brooklyn turbine was installed in 1993 and was the first of its kind in New Zealand. Built as a trial machine and the first turbine to be erected in the country, the Brooklyn turbine has been one of the most productive wind turbines in the world.

For the past few months the turbine has been out of operation and Meridian says there are a range of options for its future – including repairing or replacing it with new technology, or removing it completely.

“This is more than just a commercial decision for us. The Brooklyn turbine is part of the Wellington landscape and we want to make the right decision for the community,” said Meridian’s Claire Shaw.

The Brooklyn turbine is one of the most visited sites in Wellington, but whether it’s the turbine or the view that draws in the crowds is something Meridian wants to find out.
“We want to find out what this landmark means to the city. Its fate is in their hands. We will listen and act on the response we get.”

About Brooklyn Turbine

  • The turbine was erected back in 1993 as a trial machine.
  • Although the turbine is small by today’s standards it has set international records for its size.
  • It has a capacity factor of 45 per cent, that’s almost twice the performance for overseas wind farms which operate at an average of 23 per cent.
  • The information gained from its operation has proven invaluable in assessing the benefits of wind power generation in this country.
  • It is a Danish-designed Vestas V27.
  • It is 31 metres high and has a maximum generating capacity of 225kW (when wind speeds are between 50 and 80 km/h.
  • It automatically shuts down if wind speeds exceed 80 km/hr.