Federated Farmers urge farmers to keep contact

Tuesday 27 April 2010, 7:37AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



Federated Farmers in urging farms caught up in the Southland floods to stay in contact with their neighbours.

“It’s really important when weather like this strikes, that farmers keep talking to each other, ensuring everything is alright, especially when phone lines go down, like they did today in Te Anau,” says David Rose, Federated Farmers adverse events spokesperson.

“Most of the farmers who have been around for a while, have dealt with conditions like this before and we’re hoping they might be able to give the new ones some good advice.

”I can’t stress enough how important it is that riverside farmers monitor the weather and the river conditions.

“The Oreti River is the most affected in the province although others are high. It looks like the Oreti will get to historic high, levels not seen since 1999.

“Unfortunately the forecast for my region says there’s going to be another 25-35mm of rain between now and 3am Tuesday. The Oreti River is already at peak levels for its stopbanking system, so we’re expecting some overtopping of banks, we definitely don’t need any more rain.

“Any farmer who is uncertain about how to deal with the situation can contact Environment Southland, Federated Farmers or their local Rural Support Trust,” Mr Rose concluded.