We see what smoking does to people

Friday 30 April 2010, 1:28PM

By The Asthma Foundation


The Asthma Foundation
News release
For immediate use

30 April 2010

We see what smoking does to people

The Asthma Foundation today praised the Government and congratulated the Associate Minister of Health, Tariana Turia, for facing the facts and raising taxes on cigarettes – poisonous products that play a massive role in New Zealand’s appalling respiratory health statistics.

Legislation that went through Parliament on Wednesday night pushed up the average cost of a pack of 25 cigarettes by $1.10, effective immediately. The Government set in place a number of tax rises so that by 2012, a pack of 25s will go up by nearly $5 a pack – or 30 per cent. By then a pack of 20 cigarettes will cost more than $14 and a pack of 25s more than $17.

“This is fabulous news, despite the desperate and somewhat pathetic scaremongering by Imperial Tobacco about black markets and cigarettes becoming more attractive to thieves,” says the Asthma Foundation’s Chief Executive, Jane Patterson.

“Cigarette smoke is a pernicious trigger of asthma attacks and this is enormously important when you consider that about 1 in 4 New Zealand children has asthma and 1 in 6 adults.

“Also, a large majority of the New Zealanders who live with the debilitating effects of emphysema and chronic bronchitis smoke or used to smoke.

“Something decisive needed to be done. This is a good step in the right direction.

“Tariana Turia has acted as a champion for everyone concerned about the respiratory effects of smoking. We applaud her for that and recognise the Government’s positive approach.

“We see what smoking does to people and more needs to be done in Aotearoa to reduce the ugly effects of smoking, a dangerous habit that sucks the life out of us. A ban on retail tobacco displays as a next step would show this Government is committed to a smoke free New Zealand.”


For more information: Asthma Foundation Communications Manager, Malcolm Aitken. (04) 499 4592.

May 3 to 9 is Asthma Awareness Week 2010.