MyBiodiversity Film Competition – Canterbury's natural world through your eyes

Monday 17 May 2010, 2:47PM

By Environment Canterbury



Environment Canterbury and the Regional Biodiversity Coordinator are launching the MyBiodiversity Film Competition on Monday, May 24, to celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity.

The competition is open to all Canterbury residents. Entrants are invited to create a film, five minutes long or less on the theme of ‘biodiversity through their eyes’, using any kind of filming device, from a mobile phone through to professional equipment.

Wayne McCallum, regional biodiversity co-ordinator, says that the competition is an opportunity for people to explore the uniqueness and variety of biodiversity in their local area. The films may also showcase the animal and plant relationships, threats or challenges to these and any initiatives to protect the natural environment locally.

“Each film must focus on Canterbury’s native plants and wildlife and their habitats, and the more original the content, the better,” says Wayne McCallum. “We are hoping for entries from across Canterbury reflecting the wide spectrum of environments, from Kaikoura to the Waitaki and from the mountains to the sea.”

Mr McCallum said that entries are welcome from individuals or from teams. Prizes include a digital camera worth around $300 and a $500 cash donation to a favourite biodiversity project. There are two age categories, 15 and under, and over 15.

Consistent with the goals of the Canterbury Regional Biodiversity Strategy, this initiative is aimed at enhancing public awareness and understanding of Canterbury biodiversity and seeks to highlight community initiatives in the International Year of Biodiversity.

Entries must be received by the biodiversity co-ordinator on or before September 13. Winners and entrants whose films will feature on the DVD or website will be announced on October 1.

Key Dates

  • May 24,2010 – Competition starts,
  • September 13, 2010 (5pm) – All entries received by the Regional Biodiversity Coordinator which are then uploaded to Youtube,
  • October 1, 2010 – Winners notified,
  • October 6, 2010 – Winners announced on-line. Winning films and selected other movies uploaded onto Canterbury Biodiversity and Environment Canterbury web-sites.

For more information on the MyBiodiversity Film Competition and enhancing biodiversity in your local area, visit