Major client backing for return of local talk radio

Saturday 22 May 2010, 1:22PM

By The Rasio Network



The Radio Network has today announced a well known Christchurch
identity and businessman has signed a significant commercial contract to
support the return of local morning talk radio on 1098AM Newstalk ZB.

The programme was changed late last year with a network talk show
replacing the local programme at the beginning of 2010. Last week, The
Radio Network announced that respected broadcaster Mike Yardley would
return to hosting a Christchurch talk show from 8.30am to 12noon from
21 June 2010.

Christchurch General Manager Andrew Britt apologised to Cantabrians for
the network getting it wrong with the changes. The response to the
announcement has been incredible.

Businessman Gordon Freeman and his successful Redwood Hotel complex,
including the Sequoia 88 restaurant, have signed a sponsorship
agreement with the programme.

The Mike Yardley talk radio show will be brought to Cantabrians in
association with the Redwood Hotel, the home of Sequoia 88.
Andrew Britt says this may seem like just another advertising deal, but is
much more than that.

“Gordon’s decision to sign a significant strategic partnership and
sponsorship agreement in effect finalised our decision to bring back local
talk radio. He has literally put his money where his mouth is and shown
his commercial and personal support for 1098AM Newstalk ZB and local
talk radio in Christchurch. He is a businessman with a social conscious,”
he says.

“It has been less than a week since we announced the return of this show,
and the response has been much greater than even we expected. As we
said at the time, we got it wrong and sometimes when you lose
something, you realise how important it was to you. That certainly
continues to be the feedback from listeners and clients.

“We do really appreciate all the great calls, letters and emails. This
decision was not just about ratings and financials – it was about listening
to our listeners and our community.”

Gordon Freeman says his decision was made for several reasons.

“Local talk radio is the best vehicle for the promotion of my businesses.
This city has also been very good to me and I wanted to put something
back. Many of our patrons are avid 1098AM Newstalk ZB supporters and
this is also being done with them in mind. Over the years, I’ve spent
significant dollars with the station, but it’s been a two-way street and
they’ve been very good to me and our various businesses.”

Gordon Freeman says whilst he won’t have any input into the actual talk
radio show, he’ll certainly be encouraging other businesses to follow suit
and support the programme with advertising.

Andrew Britt says the team at 1098AM Newstalk ZB is now focusing on
the future and the return on the show. “We are not looking back over our

“Again, all we ask is that on 21 June 2010 at 8.30am, you are tuned into
1098AM Newstalk ZB for Mike’s first show in the new era of talk radio in