Discussions on staged approach to Nelson's Performing Arts and Conference Facility

Saturday 26 June 2010, 8:36AM

By Nelson City Council



A proposal for public discussion on a conference facility for Nelson, and the Trafalgar Centre northern-end extension as a potential site, is included in a report going to the full Nelson City Council meeting next Thursday.

Mayor Kerry Marshall says “The Performing Arts Centre and Conference facility have been a key focus for council workshops over the last three months. These are big ticket items and we are acutely aware that development must be tackled in the right way to achieve the best results for our city.”

Mayor Marshall adds “The report signals a rethink by Council on our approach to getting these facilities. We’ve been busy looking at sites, both council-owned and private, but kept on coming up against two issues we needed to somehow factor into our priorities. The first – cost of development - is obvious to everyone, but the second is the contribution a conference facility could make to the regional economy.

Trying to figure out how we might best achieve the priorities, Council questioned whether a staged approach to developing a Performing Arts and Conference Centre might be a better tactic.”

The report proposes a draft discussion document to be included in Live Nelson to be distributed to all residents for comment.