Warriner moves to longer distance triathlon

Sunday 27 June 2010, 10:28AM

By Ironman NZ



Beijing Olympian and two-time Port of Tauranga Half champion Sam Warriner is going long.

Warriner has told TV3 tonight that she is to concentrate on the Half and Ironman distances and is potentially looking at a start in Ironman New Zealand next year.

The Northland triathlete is turning away from the Olympic-style triathlon where she has been the world No 1 ranked athlete, and has seven ITU World Cup wins to her credit.

The 32 year old has five top-five finishes in the US this year including victory in the Ironman 70.3 in New Orleans and she is currently leading the Rev3 series in USA after third placing in the Half at Quassy and second in the Olympic distance race in Knoxville. She faces an Ironman-distance race in September to complete the series.

"Opportunities have come up in America," she told TV3. "I've been racing really well in the half-ironman distance… five races, five podiums, which is just unbelievable, and I'm enjoying it.

"But now I've made the decision I'm committed, I'm really looking forward and there's only one way to go and that's forwards and up."

She said that Ironman New Zealand next March could be on her schedule, and she is already looking at the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii in the future.

Warriner has yet to confirm if she will defend her Port of Tauranga Half crown in January.