Karamu Community Plantings Stolen

Thursday 8 July 2010, 9:12AM

By Hawke's Bay Regional Council



About 75 trees and 200 wetland plants recently planted alongside the Karamu Stream around Anderson Park in Havelock North have been stolen this week, spoiling the work of many school children and families.

Schools including Flaxmere College and local primary schools, community groups and families worked hard over a week planting the area in June.

Most of the trees (about 75) on the Mangarau Stream have been pulled out and about 30 metres of wetland plants alongside the Karamu have been taken out, at a cost of about $600.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council says someone in the area must have noticed something as it would have taken some effort to steal this many plants.  The Council would appreciate hearing from anyone with information.

Most of these plants aren’t much use for private gardens as they are specific to wetter areas.  Some plantings will have to be replaced and the Council hopes that Flaxmere College students will be able to help again with planting, as the students know how to plant well and work hard.