Inquiries continue into attempted rape in Kawerau

Tuesday 3 August 2010, 11:40AM

By New Zealand Police



Police inquiries are continuing today into the assault and attempted rape of a 16 year old Kawerau girl in her own home in the town on Sunday afternoon.

The officer in charge of the investigation, Detective Senior Sergeant Greg Standen, says requests for information through the media yesterday have resulted in some information coming forward, however, he says Police really need help from the local community to solve this case.

He says the focus of the investigation team today will centre on streets surrounding Domett Street, where the attack took place.

"We will be canvassing the local area today, knocking on doors and talking to local residents to seek further information. We will also be dropping 150 letters in local letter-boxes in an effort to generate information from the public.

"I can't emphasise enough that we need the public's help on this. If you were in the area of Domett Street around noon on Sunday, or have any information that might help, please contact us urgently."

Members of the public can contact a member of the investigation team at the Kawerau Police Station on (07) 323 1400 or Whakatane Police on (07) 308 5255. Information can also be provided anonymously to the Crimestoppers line, 0800 555 111.

There will be no further update from Police today.