Mairangi Bay parkland purchase completed by North Shore City Council

Saturday 28 August 2010, 9:40AM

By North Shore City Council




The final piece in the jigsaw of Mairangi Bay coastal real estate necessary to complete a new public reserve on the beachfront has been purchased, North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams said today. The Mairangi Bay property at 19 Montrose Terrace was purchased by North Shore City Council yesterday for $3,410,000.

“This completes the Council purchase of all of the three beachfront properties located at 15, 17 and 19 Montrose Terrace, enabling the properties to be converted into public reserve adding to the existing reserve space on the Mairangi Bay foreshore.” Mayor Andrew Williams said.

“The new beachfront reserve provides recreational open space for current and future generations, and helps preserve our precious coastal landscape.  Mairangi Bay is a very popular beach for people from all over the Shore and the Auckland region. This significant increase in public space on the Mairangi Bay foreshore will be of great benefit to beach users." 

“The previous owner of two of these properties had plans for a large apartment block on the site, so locals and beach-goers alike will be especially pleased the purchase has been  finalised, and instead of apartments we will have a large open public reserve.... preserved as a public reserve for all time."

The properties were purchased using development contributions for buying land to create reserves. The total potential reserve area including the existing road reserve and the land available if the road is removed is 12,400 square metres or 1.3 hectares.

Number 15 Montrose Terrace was purchased on 20 March 2009 and number 17 Montrose Terrace was purchased on 4 February 2008 for a combined total of $7.1 million  as part of an ongoing policy of North Shore City Council to acquire strategic coastal land for public space. 

“Trends towards increased pressure on coastal land for development and redevelopment on the North Shore vindicate our decision to purchase these properties and return them to the public for their recreational use and enjoyment,” Mayor Andrew Williams said.  "I am very proud to have led a Council with the vision to secure this land for the people, for the enjoyment of this and future generations."