Arts funding available under new scheme

Thursday 9 September 2010, 11:12AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Funding for community arts projects is now available district-wide through a new and improved Creative Communities Scheme.

“This is the first funding round of the new scheme, aimed at strengthening and diversifying this country’s arts community,” Queenstown Lakes District Council arts and events facilitator Jan Maxwell said.

Applications for funding will be considered on a district-wide basis by a newly appointed committee which includes community arts representatives from both Queenstown and Wanaka, and is administered by the Council.

The committee will consider funding applications on the following merits:

Broad community involvement – projects that create opportunities for local communities to engage with and participate in arts activities.
Diversity – projects that support the diverse arts and cultural traditions of our local area, enriching and promoting their uniqueness and cultural diversity.
Young people – projects that enable and encourage our local young people (under 18 years) to engage with and actively participate in the arts.

“Funding is available every quarter so we really encourage the local arts community to start considering future arts projects and get an application in,” Mrs Maxwell said.

“This really is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen local involvement and participation in arts which has such a huge part to play in our culture and wellbeing,” she said.

Applications for the first funding round close on 25 September 2010. More information and funding application forms are available from