Super City Mayoral candidate Colin Craig releases public transport vision for future Auckland

Tuesday 21 September 2010, 11:22AM

By Vote Colin Craig



Point To Point shuttle systems are the best and most cost effective solution to Auckland’s public transport woes according to mayoral candidate Colin Craig.

The systems, which are now being installed in the United Kingdom, Poland and the United States would make Auckland a leader in the future of public transport, rather than a city that is still catching up to others.

Mr Craig says that not only is the shuttle system cost effective, but also environmentally friendly.

“Auckland has the potential to be a truly beautiful city. We have the harbours, the hills and a temperate climate. The environmental impact of the Point To Point shuttles would be extremely minimal and if we choose to use this system instead of trains, the overseas examples have shown there would be a significant reduction in our air pollution.”

Transport has been a significant topic of debate in the lead up to the Super City election with candidates discussing rail, bus and ferry transport options in addition to the pressing issue of another harbour crossing.

Auckland City Mayor John Banks and Manukau City Mayor Len Brown have been strong advocates for rail in and around the Auckland region, differing only in ideal completion timelines and funding initiatives, but Mr Craig says its time for a change.

“The proposal by the other candidates to continue with the same old thing when it comes to public transport is another example of what is going wrong. Too many dollars spent with little real benefit.”

Mr Craig says that the Point To Point shuttle system will provide ratepayers and public transport users with a better value public transport alternative.

“The shuttle system is much cheaper to install and run than our current rail network. We could have a shuttle system running to all over Auckland- up to Silverdale, through the CBD, out to the Airport and down to Papakura and Pukekohe for less cost than one single rail extension.”

“It’s unreasonable to expect Aucklander’s to use public transport when a car is better and easier. Let’s have a superior system that they actually want to use.”

Colin Craig is standing as an independent candidate for the Super City mayoralty with a focus on fiscal responsibility, voter fairness, a more efficient and fair solution to the Leaky Homes Crisis and giving local power to local boards.

Voting papers for the new Auckland Super City council are out now and voting closes at 12pm Saturday October 9th.

For further information or a copy of the latest flyer with more detail about Point To Point shuttle systems visit