Matata Lagoon Restoration Celebration in conjunction with BirdsaPlenty festival

Friday 24 September 2010, 3:17PM

By Whakatane District Council



October 2nd will be a day for celebration. The Whakatane District Council along with the community are organising a celebration of the completion of the Matata Lagoon regeneration project. Festivities start at 9am at the Lagoon.

The 2005 flood event saw the Lagoon being filled with sand and debris, and the completion of the regeneration of the Lagoon is a milestone for the Matata community and the Council, contractors and volunteers.

The Council’s Manager Community Project Barbara Dempsey said the celebration event is being held in conjunction with the Birds-A-Plenty festival, which recognises the Lagoon as a wetland of great significance.

“The Lagoon is well renowned in the bird watching circles as a habitat for many species of birdlife, and the rejuvenated lagoon promises to live up to its former glory”.

Jacqui Hughes from the Birds a Plenty Festival committee says there will be guided tours of the lagoon and bird spotting competitions. A feature of the day will be the unveiling of a set of beautiful ceramic tile artwork of the various bird species that live in the lagoon says Mrs Hughes.

The celebrations will commence with an official blessing of the Lagoon by iwi, guest speakers will include Hon. Anne Tolley MP East Coast, Mayor Colin Holmes and the Council’s Chief Executive Diane Turner.

There will be lots of fun as well with craft stalls along the lagoon shoreline, so come along and have an enjoyable morning at the Matata Lagoon.