Drink-driving blitz in Counties Manukau

Monday 27 September 2010, 11:02AM

By New Zealand Police



Police stopped more than 18,000 drivers at nine random check points on Friday and Saturday night during a drink-driving blitz in Counties Manukau.

Counties Manukau Road Policing Manager, acting Inspector Peter Raynes said, 110 people would be summoned to court on drink driving related charges.

"Despite the reduced number of drivers caught compared to previous operations, the message is still not getting through" he said.

Alcohol clearly affects driver performance and decision making. If you drive at the legal adult limit you are sixteen times more likely to be in a fatal crash than a sober driver.

Police also suspended 45 driver licences and impounded 16 vehicles because the drivers were disqualified.

Ministry of Justice Bailiffs at the checkpoints executed several warrants for outstanding fines totalling $114, 348 and seized a further 92 vehicles.

Mr Raynes said that many of the drivers apprehended were recidivist drink drivers and they were ignorant about the consequences of their actions.

"Recidivist drink drivers are potential killers on our roads! If you choose to drink and drive in Counties Manukau, we're out to get you," he said.