Sir Michael Fowler backs Jack Yan, providing voters with certainty

Monday 4 October 2010, 4:35PM

By JY&A Media—Wire Service



Wellington, October 4 Former mayor and Wellington City Council candidate Sir Michael Fowler says Jack Yan is the city's best choice for the mayoralty.
'A Yan-led council would unify both the left and the right. It would mean a leap forward in our city's progress, for enterprise development with a social conscience,' says Sir Michael. 'He is the only one with a real vision for the 21st century.'
'I am delighted to have Sir Michael's support,' says Mr Yan. 'I am delighted that he shares my vision of a globally competitive, creative Wellington that benefits all.'
It is Mr Yan's second notable endorsement in as many weeks. Last Wednesday, his opponent Bernard O'Shaughnessy endorsed him on the Back Benches television show on TVNZ7.
Mr Yan says that his leadership would bring unity on the issues most important to Wellingtonians. He says there would no longer be '15 separate agenda in which little gets done in the next three years,' he says.
Both Sir Michael and Mr Yan say that there are potential councillors who agree with their policies, bringing greater unity and certainty for Wellingtonians.
'On water, Sir Michael and I agree that there must be no privatization, no water meters, and a complete revision on the governance of Capacity, bringing it closer to the people.'
The duo also agree on holding the city's rates down, possibly tying it to the Consumer Price Index.
They support protecting the waterfront, and bringing Waterfront Ltd. back under council control. There would also be better consultation over Centreport developments.
The CBD would be revitalized and Mr Yan is keen to tap into Sir Michael's knowledge of urban development.
They also state that arts and culture would receive a boost under a Yan-led council.
Finally, Sir Michael supports Mr Yan's ideas about mentoring for young people, giving them a path forward toward their future jobs, especially in IT.

About Jack Yan
Jack Yan founded Jack Yan & Associates (, one of the world’s first virtual firms, in 1987. His company is based or represented in over a dozen countries worldwide. Among his company’s interests are business consulting, imaging, software and media, including the fashion magazine brand Lucire. He writes on topics, ranging from branding and business responsibility to fashion and typography, in numerous publications worldwide and is a regular international speaker. His personal site is at, and features a highly regarded blog. He is a director of the Medinge Group (, a think-tank in Sweden devoted to cutting-edge branding.