Councillors to toast 100 street meetings

Thursday 7 October 2010, 11:05AM

By Cathy Casey



In a quiet corner of Western Springs tonight, Councillor Cathy Casey and Councillor Glenda Fryer and their team of Local Board candidates and supporters will pop open a bottle of wine to celebrate their 100th street meeting in their Get Out The Vote (GOTV) campaign. For the last two weeks the councillors have taken to the streets using the old fashioned street meeting format to seek support for their re-election to the Auckland Council

Councillor Cathy Casey says: “It has been a wonderful exercise. Glenda and I have met folks from every corner of the Albert Eden Roskill ward and learned first hand about what people want from their councillors into the future. The reception has been brilliant. Many people said it was the first time they had seen a local councillor in their street, never mind two. They really enjoyed meeting the Local Board candidates face to face too.

“We have been campaigning since the beginning of June. We have knocked on over 6,000 doors. Tonight we will complete our gruelling schedule of 102 street meetings. We have also delivered 35,000 leaflets over the last three days. We hope that all our hard work pays off with our re-election to the Auckland Council on Saturday.

Councillor Glenda Fryer says: “Our street meetings have been a great way of meeting new people and re-acquainting ourselves with those we have met before outside schools, shopping centres, bus stops and train stations and in community centres and libraries, at local events and in their homes and workplaces.”

“There is a bit of a carnival atmosphere at the meetings as the children dance with us to the music of "Poi E” and tell us their families are supporting us and Len Brown. It has not rained once during our street meetings so even the heavens seemed to be shining upon us. Our team has been campaigning from dawn to dusk in Albert Eden Roskill to urge people to have their say on who will give them a voice in the new Supercity.”