Julian Dean, New Zealand no.1, enters 2010 Singlespeed World Champs in Rotorua

Friday 15 October 2010, 4:23PM

By Singlespeed World Champs



Julian Dean, New Zealand’s number one cyclist and Tour de France veteran, will ride in the 2010 Singlespeed World Championships in Rotorua, New Zealand on October 23.
He will line up alongside over 900 other mountain bikers from 30 countries. The race is powered by local bike shop, Kiwibikes, and a great bunch of Rotorua businesses.
At stake for Julian? Only the winner’s tattoo, the respect of his fellow competitors, a few laughs and a beer or two.
"I’m really looking forward to participating, though solely from a fun point of view, and I’m super stoked to be supporting such a great event in Rotorua,” says Julian, as he prepared to fly home from Spain. Rotorua is his off-season base.
"Why am I doing something as crazy as this?  Because wherever a good laugh might be lurking is an absolute magnet for me…and Dale Hollows asked me, too"
Dale is a semi-mythical New Zealand team mechanic. Cycling fans know him as the ‘Silver Fox’, popping up in the back of shot in TV coverage of Olympic and Commonwealth Games. He was Sarah Ulmer’s mechanic when she won Olympic gold and broke world records on the track.
Dale was in India as part of the successful New Zealand team at the Commonwealth Games and will also be racing this weekend.
"Singlespeeding is really a return to the simple basics of cycling," says Dale. "Even in the early days of the Tour de France, the riders rode one-speed bikes."
Julian is mainly known for his exploits on the road. 
He's one of the best sprinters and lead out men on the professional peloton with three stage podiums at this year’s Tour de France,
However, the man from Waihi started his race career on the BMX track.
He’s also been spotted on a mountain bike on the  Whakarewarewa Forest trails, south of Rotorua, during the summer over the last few years.
“These days Julian’s job is to be in the right place at the right time in a heaving bunch of the best riders on the planet as they career toward the finish line,” says Gaz Sullivan, president of the Rotorua Singlespeed Society, host club for the event.
“He’s got the horsepower to ride a road bike at up to 70kph, time and again.”
It's been a fine season for Julian.
At the Tour de France, he picked himself up from a massive crash in the first couple of days to ride the best ever tour by a Kiwi.
As well as the stage podiums he got head-butted by Aussie, Mark Renshaw during one sprint to the line and then was tackled by a gendarme while warming up for another stage.
Last year, Julian was shot in the hand during one of the mountain stages.
“You really couldn’t make it up,” says Gary. “Julian is tough and adaptable - singlespeed racing may be completely new to him, but he will be a quick learner.”
Julian rides for Team Garmin Transitions on the Pro Tour.
For his debut in singlespeed mountain biking he will be riding for Team Bike Vegas/Kona.
“It’s always great having Julian hanging out over the summer, especially when he goes a bit feral and gets his big bushy beard happening,” says Dave Joy, the extravagantly bearded owner of Bike Vegas, with a laugh.
“He’s a hometown hero and a real star, but to us he’s just Julz and we always enjoy having a beer with him.”
Main sponsor, Jeff Anderson of Kiwibikes, is also excited Julian will be on the start line.
“The Rotorua Singlespeed Society guys did a great job getting the event here and Julian entering is a real measure of how successful it’s all been,” says the bike shop owner and builder of fine Jeffson frames.
Gordon McCauley is another top Kiwi roadie who will be on the start line.
“Gordon calls himself ‘The People’s Champion’, with tongue firmly in cheek,” says one of the Singlespeed Worlds organizers, Marcus Diprose. “He’s like Julian with the right sense of humour - and he enjoys a good time.”
Gordon has just returned from representing New Zealand in the road race and time trial at the Commonwealth Games in India.
"He’s promising to ride a massive gear and try and make a break on the other contenders at the start,” adds Singlespeed Worlds race director, Dean Watson. "Hopefully, without vomiting."
Julian and Gordon will join a classy international field of mountain bikers at the sharp end of the massive field, gunning for the tattoo.
However for 90 per cent of the riders the whole event is really just about having a good time.