Tai Poutini joins forces with Cantabrians to create new study opportunities for computer enthusiasts

Wednesday 27 October 2010, 8:45AM

By Tai Poutini Polytechnic


Matthew Roberts will complete the NZIM Diploma in Management at TPP this year
Matthew Roberts will complete the NZIM Diploma in Management at TPP this year Credit: Tai Poutini Polytechnic


Computer enthusiasts on the West Coast are being given the opportunity to progress their careers even further thanks to a new qualification at Tai Poutini Polytechnic.

Students seeking a career in computing can now complete a two year, Level 6 Diploma in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with an option to undertake a further 18 months study at the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) to secure their Bachelor Degree in ICT.

“We are delighted to provide students with this opportunity to upskill and further their study on the West Coast if they choose,” TPP West Coast Faculty Dean, Dr Rita Shelley says. The new qualification, which starts February next year, provides students with a better pathway to future study and an option to reach new heights with a Bachelor level qualification at CPIT.

Demand for computer trained professionals is globally high with future ICT job potential looking extremely positive, Dr Shelley says. “There are many job opportunities opening up in the ICT area both here and overseas so it’s a very exciting and dynamic industry to be involved in.”

Matthew Roberts, who will complete the NZIM Diploma in Management at TPP this year, has already signed up for the qualification having decided to pursue his dream of getting into the IT profession. “I’ve always wanted to start a career in IT and I’m looking forward to this course because it covers everything I’m interested in learning and offers the chance to specialise; plus I get to stay on the Coast to do it,” he says.

According to the US Bureau of Statistics nearly three quarters of new science or engineering jobs in the United States will be in the computer industry due to their growing use. “The new qualifications were developed in conjunction with industry players so the course is very much oriented towards their needs,” Dr Shelley says.

Glenn Balloch, IT manager at Electronet Services is very supportive of the new programme. “The course really meets IT industry needs and collaborating with CPIT provides local students with great opportunities for a career in IT.”

More than 75 per cent of Seek ICT jobs advertised for all regions in NZ are full time positions.

Kate Campbell, Head of Department Business and Computing at Tai Poutini Polytechnic adds that tutors have extensive backgrounds in their specialist fields and hold current industry qualifications with excellent teaching skills. “Students will also enjoy a high tutor to student ratio in all areas of information technology.”

The polytechnic’s modern facilities and software reflect the needs of the ICT industry to give students the very best current and relevant computing experience on offer.