Hawke's Bay Farmers' Market Turns 10

Thursday 11 November 2010, 9:33AM

By Food Hawke's Bay



iveaways, spot prizes, live music, children’s entertainment and specials offers, come celebrate with us, it is the Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Market 10th Birthday on November 14th 2010.

The Hastings market boasts more than 50 stallholders year round and up to 15 seasonal, drawing crowds every Sunday to the Hawkes Bay A&P Showgrounds. People see, touch, smell, taste and buy fresh quality produce and genuine artisan products directly from the producer.

On Sunday 14th November 2010 the Hastings market will be celebrating the past 10 years, thanking customers for their support and acknowledging stallholders with a celebration of all things grown and made in Hawke’s Bay.

“We have all sorts of activities and points of interest during this special market”, Emma Glover the HBFM coordinator says, ‘it is a very special day for us all and we want our customers to enjoy the day as much as we are planning to. All stallholders will have great specials on offer for this market so everyone is encouraged to come along and make the most of these offers. Stallholders will also be “dressing” their stalls, this will create some very interesting looks, and customers will get the opportunity to vote for the one they think is the best” Emma says. 

Emma also adds “for the children we have - Zappolina a children’s entertainer who won children’s entertainer of the year in 2010, she will be doing short children’s performances throughout the day to ensure our young customers are kept happy too.” 

The volunteer fire brigade will be promoting their safe cooking message and will be giving away smoke alarms so there will be something for everyone.