Interim agreement reached between TCDC and Wilderland Trust

Monday 15 November 2010, 3:54PM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Trust has until December 13 to provide action plan to meet Council requirements

Court action against the Wilderland Trust has been deferred until February next year by agreement between the Trust and the Thames-Coromandel District Council after negotiations between the two parties on Friday.

An application for a Court order to enforce Council requirements had its first call in the Thames District Court this morning, but has been adjourned by consent until February 2011. Council was seeking Court orders to enforce dangerous and insanitary notices issued against 13 buildings on May 19, 2010.

The deferment is subject to the Trust vacating the affected buildings within 14 days and providing a schedule of works by December 13, 2010 detailing the order of priority and timeframes to bring each of the 13 affected buildings up to the required standard.

Council has told Wilderland Trust that it acknowledges that the Trust will deal with the buildings on a staged basis and that it is willing to deal with the buildings on a case by case basis, however, it wants to see the Trust's management plan before making any further decisions.

It has also told the Trust that it will not be seeking costs unless it is required to seek court orders to resolve the issues.

However, it reserves the right to put the matter back before the Court on three days notice if the Trust does not vacate the buildings and provide the action plan as required.