A toxin-free bouquet for Tauranga

Friday 14 September 2007, 1:57PM

By Green Party



Tauranga City Council is being congratulated by the Green Party for dumping the use of spray insecticide Thiodan.

“I am really pleased that the mayor has listened to the protests of Tauranga residents and decided to trial non-toxic alternatives,” Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.

“Thiodan, whose active ingredient is Endosulfan, is an acutely toxic pesticide that is banned in many other countries. It should not be sprayed anywhere, let alone in parks where children are playing sport and families are picnicking.

“I believe the use of Endosulfan should be banned in New Zealand and I will be doing my best to ensure this happens when the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) shortly reassesses this chemical.

“In the meantime, I call on other local authorities using this chemical to follow Tauranga's example.”