Elected members and staff focus on road safety ahead of Coromandel summer

Thursday 25 November 2010, 9:27AM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Elected members and staff of Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) are backing efforts to make the Peninsula's roads safer this summer.

Councillors have joined Council staff fleet drivers in installing a small safety kit in their cars that, among other things, reminds them to check tyre pressure regularly.

In addition, early next year, Mayor Glenn Leach will host a lunchtime opportunity for the joint TCDC team of staff and elected members to familiarise themselves with the Police drink driving technology used on the Peninsula's roads.

Mayor Leach said "anything we can do to work with the Police to keep our families alive on the roads has our backing."

"We fully support the Police message to plan before you party this summer so that you can have a good time and still get home safely."