Greens propose alternative for Puhoi to Wellsford

Tuesday 25 January 2011, 1:28PM

By Green Party



A quicker and cheaper alternative is needed to replace the proposed $1.7 billion Puhoi to Wellsford motorway, said the Green Party today.

“The Puhoi motorway is an unnecessary waste of taxpayer money. The Government needs to invest in the Project Lifesaver upgrade to SH1 which will save lives and money,” said Gareth Hughes, Green Party Transport Spokesperson.

Submissions on the proposed motorway close on 28 January. The proposed motorway will have 4 lanes and be tolled.

An alternative proposal that includes a bypass around Warkworth and safety upgrades to the road in the Dome Valley and Schedewys Hill has been designed by the Campaign for Better Transport and is supported by the Green Party.

“The time is now for people to make a submission on this motorway and let John Key’s Government know that the alternatives need to be investigated,” said Mr Hughes.

“This alternative proposal to the Government’s plan would only be a third of the price and could be completed much quicker and would save many more lives.

“The proposal to build an entirely new tolled road between Puhoi and Warkworth at a cost of $1.7 billion makes little economic sense and will not benefit locals.

“The motorway will take over 10 years to build, require massive earthworks, and will threaten the peaceful semi-rural lifestyle so many Rodney residents enjoy.

“41 people died on SH1 between Puhoi and Wellsford from 2000 to 2009. This is too many and urgent action is needed to improve safety – we can’t afford to wait 10 years.

“I encourage people to jump on our website and make a quick submission – it only takes two minutes and could make a world of difference,” said Mr Hughes.

For more information:
Green Party submission guide is available at

Gareth Hughes submission is available at