ACT Announces Candidate for Botany By-Election

Saturday 5 February 2011, 1:19PM




ACT New Zealand Party President Chris Simmons was today pleased to announce that Counties-Manukau District Health Board member Lyn Murphy will stand as the ACT Party's candidate in the upcoming Botany by-election.

“In an election where the Labour Party has already thrown in the towel, Lyn offers the people of Botany a real choice this election,” Mr Simmons said.

“Lyn has long been a strong advocate of ACT's principles of greater transparency and smaller Government, and has a proven record of representing her fellow Botany residents.”

Lyn will be campaigning primarily on the economy, in particular government spending and waste.

“Putting our economy on the right track ensures our children and grandchildren can have a future here in New Zealand,” Lyn Murphy said. “We lose far too many young people overseas now; without change, this will only get worse.”

Lyn is currently in the process of completing her doctorate investigating the costs and benefits of medical research. She now holds the role of Senior Lecturer in Management at Manukau Institute of Technology and is also a recipient of the internationally prestigious ISPOR student award.

"Lyn also has a long history of actively supporting healthy communities – including membership of CCS, the Arthritis Foundation, and Paraplegics Association committees. She was also an Advisory Trustee for the Arohaina Trust for the Elderly," Mr Simmons said.

"As a passionate Howick resident Lyn Murphy has also successfully championed the undergrounding of powerlines in Bradbury Rd and Cockle Bay, campaigned for the protection of the Emilia Maude Nixon Garden of Memories, and the restoration of Mangemangeroa Reserve," ACT Leader Rodney Hide said.

"She has demonstrated outstanding dedication in her tireless work on behalf of her fellow Howick residents and we in ACT are pleased to have such an experienced candidate standing for the Party in Botany."

For more information on Lyn Murphy please click here.