New Zealand Book Month is back

Tuesday 15 February 2011, 8:27AM

By Christchurch City Council



Christchurch City Libraries are celebrating the return of New Zealand Book Month this March with a calendar of free events for the whole family.

The nationwide campaign, traditionally celebrated in October, will this year take place from 1-31 March 2011. A non-profit initiative, New Zealand Book Month aims at promoting books and reading, highlighting the talent of new and existing kiwi authors and illustrators.

To celebrate New Zealand Book Month, Christchurch City Libraries have organised some great events for all ages and best of all, most are totally free.

Highlights include:

  • story time sessions for babies and children
  • a workshop to create your own mini-book with illustrator of The Wonkey Donkey, Katz Cowley
  • an online competition for all ages to Create the first New Zealand Superhero – with digital cameras up for grabs
  • a book launch for Siobhan Harvey’s latest release Lost Relatives
  • workshops to create your own digital calendars, cards and newsletters (a fee applies)
  • a blogging workshop with Donna Robertson
  • a workshop to animate your own characters with graphic novelist and tattooist Steve Malley
  • a chance to meet Picton writer and Eco Artist Julie Kennedy and hear about her book Katherine Mansfield in Picton
  • The Great NZ Quiz Night, with special guest Joe Bennett as MC.

Carolyn Robertson, Libraries and Information Unit Manager says the change in month from October to March follows a consultation with publishers, booksellers, librarians and schools throughout the country, who collectively decided on March as a better fit with the book industry's annual calendar.

“We are delighted Book Month is back for 2011. Reading isn’t just about written words. It’s about the design, the illustration, the characters involved. As well as discovering new authors and celebrating old favourites, New Zealand Book Month also provides the perfect excuse to get involved with the creative side of reading such as illustrating and animation, as well as social media and blogging.”

Mrs Robertson says with free events for the whole family, from babies right through to adults, there’s a little something for everyone.

“After a tough few months here in Christchurch, this will definitely bring some light relief for the whole community to enjoy,” says Mrs Robertson.

Some events will require pre-booking. See the website for more information, including the full programme: